Leasing 101: Good Provisions to Have in a Landlord Maintenance Section
There are a variety of maintenance and repair items with respect to leased premises and the building or shopping center that need to be...

Leasing 101: Nine Tips for Negotiating Additional Rent
In a lease, 'additional rent' generally is defined as any amount due to landlord by tenant that is over and above base rent. Depending...

Pandemic-Proof Your Restaurant Lease (+ 2 more key takeaways)
Now in mid-2023, U.S restaurant operators seem to be in one of two categories: (1) those getting back to normal operations, normal food...

Pandemic-Proof Your Restaurant Lease (+ 2 more key takeaways)
Now in mid-2023, U.S. restaurant operators seem to be in one of two categories: (1) those getting back to normal operations, normal food...

Leasing 101: Address Potential Exposure in the Default Section
The default section in a lease lists the set of conditions upon which a landlord may terminate a lease or tenant’s right to possession,...

Outdoor Retailers: 10 Tips for Your Store Lease
I've spoken at the Outdoor Retailer Summer and Winter Markets several times in Salt Lake City. Outdoor retailers have unique store...

HOW THE MOORHEAD LAW GROUP CAN HELP YOU GROW - Moorhead Law Group's Spring 2023 newsletter
HOW THE MOORHEAD LAW GROUP CAN HELP YOU GROW - the Moorhead Law Group's Spring 2023 newsletter is available here.

Accretion & Reliction: What To Know When Your Land Is Bounded By Water
I spent last Fourth of July weekend on Topsail Island, North Carolina, a coastal barrier island just south of the Outer Banks. At the...

Leasing 101: The Truth about Holding Over
In my nineteen years of experience handling about 700 leases, there has only been one instance in which the holdover provision was...

Outdoor Retailers: 10 Tips for Your Store Lease
I've spoken at the Outdoor Retailer Summer and Winter Markets several times in Salt Lake City. Outdoor retailers have unique store...